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Unleashing Your Financial Destiny: Empowerment through Action and Triumph

This article will focus on an intriguing topic that’s worth exploring – the relationship between work and talk, using side hustles to make money. I assure you this conversation will be nothing short of enlightening.

The concept of work has been ingrained in human life since the fall of man (Genesis 3:17b), and it’s how we achieve results through physical or mental activity. The wisest king that ever lived, King Solomon, corroborated this point when he pointed out in Proverbs 14:23 that to prosper financially, we are to work. Now, let’s ponder on a thought-provoking question: why did he compare work with talking too much in this same verse? Is there a connection between excessive talking and financial struggles? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this, so feel free to share them in the comments section.

Here are my thoughts. When it comes to talking too much instead of working, I can think of four reasons:

  1. Lack of job opportunities: Some individuals, faced with job dissatisfaction, may seek solace in talking about it with anyone who will listen.
  2. Laziness: Instead of engaging in productive activities, some people might prefer to talk about their plans and ideal jobs.
  3. Fear of failure: Fear can be a powerful deterrent, leading some individuals to keep talking instead of taking action for fear of disappointment or criticism.
  4. Perfectionism: The desire for a perfect situation before starting anything might lead to endless talking about ideal goals without working towards them.

Nevertheless, the principle remains unchanged – “hard work always pays off; mere talk puts no bread on the table.” So, if you desire to change your financial situation, it’s crucial to change your course of action, no matter how valid your reasons for talking may seem.

Now, let me share some practical tips that might help you move from talking to taking action:

  1. Volunteer: Even in the face of job scarcity, there are always opportunities to add value. Look for ways to contribute, even if it means starting for free. Your efforts will be recognized, and someone will soon reward you for your dedication.
  2. Seek God’s help: When you find yourself stuck in a cycle of talking without action, turn to God for guidance. Trust that He will provide you with the desire and power to take the necessary steps.
  3. Embrace the Holy Spirit: As Christians, we have access to the Holy Spirit, who empowers us with courage, love, and self-discipline. With the Spirit’s help, you can overcome fear and be confident in every situation.
  4. Desire excellence but start anyway: Don’t let the pursuit of perfection hold you back. Have a plan, but don’t wait for everything to be perfect before taking action. Just like God didn’t wait for perfection to create the world, trust that He will guide you as you progress.

So, let me challenge you to “March Forward!” and pledge to embrace those baby steps toward your goals of starting/running your side hustles, and making money online. Remember, the actions we take carve our path to success.

I hope this piece has been inspiring and helpful to you. If you have any questions or additional thoughts, feel free to share them in the comments below. Let’s support and encourage each other as we strive for a better future.
