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Practical Life Lessons From The Ants For A Promising Future

It may come as a surprise to some when you are told to learn from ants. After all, ants are tiny creatures that scurry about without much notice from we, humans. However, Proverbs 6 vs 6 – 11 reveals that beneath their small size lies a world of wisdom. When we take a closer look, we discover a remarkable work ethic, meticulous planning, and cooperation within their colonies. The lessons of industriousness, preparation, persistence, and adaptability that ants offer can provide valuable insights for our own lives. So, while it may seem unexpected at first, the invitation to learn from ants is a reminder that wisdom can be found in the most unexpected places.

Let’s take a quick look at what is written in the great book in Proverbs 6 vs 6 – 11 “Take a lesson from the ants, you lazybones. Learn from their ways and become wise! Though they have no prince or governor or ruler to make them work, they labor hard all summer, gathering food for the winter. But you, lazybones, how long will you sleep? When will you wake up? A little extra sleep, a little more slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest— then poverty will pounce on you like a bandit; scarcity will attack you like an armed robber.”

I’m sure you may be thinking right now that this advise is for lazybones and I’m not one! Before you come to that conclusion, it will be good to see the characteristics of people referred to as lazybones according to this passage.

  • Lack of Initiative: The lazy person lacks motivation and initiative. They make excuses rather than taking action.
  • Love for Sleep and Rest: The sluggard is depicted as one who loves sleep and rest. They indulge in idleness and prioritize leisure over responsibility.
  • Procrastination: The lazy person is prone to putting off important tasks, folding their hands and avoiding the necessary work.
  • Failure to Plan Ahead: They fail to prepare for the future and neglect to gather provisions when opportunities arise. They lack foresight and are ill-prepared for times of scarcity or need.

Do you exhibit any of these attributes (even if it is sometimes)? Then I urge you to continue reading.  

There are so many lessons that we can learn from these verses but my focus for this piece is on what to do during the “summer and winter season” of our lives. Summer brings increased energy and is the vacation season for most people, while winter presents challenges with reduced daylight and weather-related issues. When these are compared to the different stages of a man’s life, summer typifies the youthful phase of life – signifying a period of growth, vibrancy, and abundance. Conversely, winter represents reflection, introspection, and maturity, mirroring the later stages of life. When we understand these metaphorical seasons like the ants, we can embrace life’s journey with purpose and appreciation.

During the summer, ants diligently gather food and store provisions for times of scarcity, winter season when they are unable to work due to the harsh weather. As an individual, the lesson here is to prepare for the future by working hard now. Just as ants accumulate resources in abundance, young men should cultivate a habit of saving money, and investing wisely.

Hard work serves as a foundational pillar for financial success. It involves dedicating oneself to consistent effort, discipline, and perseverance. Through hard work, individuals can acquire valuable skills, expand their knowledge, and demonstrate their commitment to personal and professional growth. Hardworking individuals are more likely to seize opportunities, make strategic decisions, and overcome setbacks. They understand the importance of setting goals, managing their finances wisely, and investing in their future. By consistently putting in the effort, going the extra mile, and staying focused on their financial objectives, hardworking individuals are better positioned for long-term financial stability, security, and ultimately, success. Do you think you have reached the pinnacle of your career; you might want to rethink – is there “really no more” room at the top? If so, can you start doing something else? The point is don’t be static, set new goals for yourself that will push you forward.

The ants “gather food for winter”. This means they don’t consume all they make during summer. Savings serves as a powerful tool for financial success in both challenging times and old age. By consistently setting aside a portion of your income, you can build a safety net to weather unexpected hardships and emergencies. Furthermore, saving for old age ensures a comfortable retirement, enabling you to maintain your lifestyle and cover healthcare expenses. By prioritizing savings, you can achieve financial resilience, peace of mind, and enjoy the fruits of your labor throughout your life. We saw an example of this in the story of Joseph in Genesis 41. Joseph, through his wisdom and foresight, stored grain during the years of abundance to prepare for the coming famine. His prudent actions not only saved Egypt but also his own family.

When you see the resources that you have during your youthful years as seeds given to you by God, you would treat them differently. The parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30 teaches the value of responsible stewardship. The servants who used their talents wisely by trading with them, multiplied them and were commended, while the one who buried his talent was rebuked. This exemplifies the importance of utilizing our resources effectively. Investing wisely is a vital tool for achieving financial success in both challenging times and old age. By allocating funds into diverse and well-researched investments, you can grow your wealth and create a cushion during difficult periods. Additionally, wise investing helps build a nest egg for retirement, allowing you to benefit from compounding returns and generate passive income during retirement.

In summary, by observing the ant’s vigor and preparation style, we gain wisdom in planning for the future. When we apply these lessons, we can achieve success, avoid regrets, and secure a prosperous future. Failure to do so can lead to consequences now and after one’s productive years leaving one vulnerable to hardships, financial struggles, and a diminished quality of life during those golden years. Therefore, I encourage you to apply these lessons from the ants.

I plan to delve further into these lessons in another article. If you would like to read more, please email us at so we can notify you once it is published.