What does it mean to be a good mother?
What does it mean to be a good mother? It’s a question that has echoed through the ages, resonating with mothers across cultures and generations. While there’s no one-size-fits-all answer, the story of Jochebed, our focus character in this piece provides an example of a good mother that is worthy of emulation.
Jochebed was part of a group of people who were treated badly by the ruling government of the day. She had a baby boy whom she recognized was a special child. But there was a big problem. The current head of government hated the immigrants from her tribe because he was afraid they would become too many and strong. In time, they might overpower the original citizens of his country and to prevent this, he ordered that every baby boy belonging to any immigrant be thrown into the river and killed.
Jochebed loved her son very much and didn’t want him destroyed. So, she came up with a plan to make a basket out of a cane and place her son in it. She then gently let the basket into the river and hoped that he would be found by someone kind enough to take care of him. The baby floated down the river in the basket while she asked his sister to watch from a distance, praying that he would be safe. And guess what? God heard her prayers.
Interestingly, the daughter of the head of the government came to have her bath at the same river and she found the basket while she was bathing there. When she saw the baby inside, she felt sorry for him. She decided to keep him and raise him as her son. This precious baby was saved from harm and possible death!
They decided to have Jochebed, the birth mother of the baby nurse him for a while before the king’s daughter would adopt him as her son. Jochebed was glad to know that her plan worked out fine and she got to have the opportunity to still nurse her son, a job she did so well because when the baby was brought back to live in the government house, he never forgot where he came from. He identified with his fellow immigrants, had compassion for them, and advocated for them. Years later, he was used by God to liberate the people now known as Israelites from their slavery. His name was Moses!
Jochebed demonstrated courage, sacrifice, and unwavering love—the very essence of what it means to be a good mother which is to nurture and protect a child.
The Attributes of a Good Mother
So here comes the answer to the golden question: how do you know a good mother? A good mother HELPs her child/children. What does it mean to HELP your child?
- Honor your child’s uniqueness – Identify their strengths, weaknesses, personality type, and purpose in life.
- Empower your child – Nurture them spiritually, physically, intellectually, and emotionally, ensuring their holistic development.
- Love unconditionally – Don’t give up on them, strive to protect and guide them, fostering hope for a positive future.
- Provide support – Be there for them, offering guidance, encouragement, and care as they navigate life’s challenges.
The Role of Faith in Motherhood
Are you assessing yourself? Feel free to share your thoughts by sending us a message or leaving a comment in the comments section. If you think you’re not fairing well, don’t feel dejected. The truth is that God did not intend for us to do this in our strength. As a mother, “you need HELP to HELP your child and you have this HELP in the God the Holy Spirit”. If you would like to start or renew your relationship with Him, say the word of prayer here, email us and we’ll be glad to reach out to you to support you as you embark on this journey.